A new home for Zurich jazz

The Zurich Jazz Orchestra (ZJO) has been rehearsing and working in its own jazz house in Kreis 5 directly opposite the sogar theater since the beginning of April. The rooms can also be rented by external parties.

Zurich Jazz Orchestra (Image: Pablo Faccinetto/A Porta Foundation)

All of the Zurich Jazz Orchestra's (ZJO) rehearsals, composition and administrative work now take place in the former craftsman's workshop at Heinrichstrasse 69. Thanks to a corresponding conversion, the Jazzhaus now has a two-storey rehearsal room, two smaller music rooms, recording facilities and a further room that serves as an office and meeting place. The premises can also be rented by other musicians, ensembles, bands and productions outside of rehearsals.

The costs for the renovation of the Jazzhaus amount to around 1.6 million francs. The Zurich Jazz Orchestra raised the majority of these funds itself: around 500,000 francs came from charitable foundations and private individuals, 380,000 francs from the Canton of Zurich's cultural fund and 125,000 francs from the City of Zurich. The remaining funds for the renovation were contributed by the Dr. Stephan à Porta Foundation.

Open day: Sunday, April 21, 2024, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., no registration required.



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