City of Chur honors Lardon, Klucker and Estrada

Chur honors the musician Jamira Estrada with a sponsorship award from the city. Recognition prizes also go to bass clarinettist Marc Lardon and conductor Christian Klucker.

Jamira Estrada at the Zentralwäscherei Zurich (Image: Youtube video still)

The actress Ursina Lardi will be honored with the Chur Culture Prize 2024, endowed with 8,000 francs. In addition to Estrada, performer Martha Mutapay and the collective Piera Buchli & Luc Isenschmid will also receive a sponsorship award. The recognition and sponsorship prizes are endowed with CHF 4,000 each.

The bass clarinettist Marc Lardon was born in Chur. He is co-founder and director of Soundhund - a concert series for improvised and experimental music in Chur. After studying in Chur and Amsterdam, he is active as a performer and improviser. He is currently pursuing solo projects and is part of the duos Splitter (with Andreas Glauser, Zurich), Pol (with Daniel Sailer, Graubünden) and Kontrabach (also with Daniel Sailer).

Christian Klucker is a freelance choir conductor. He teaches at the Bündner Kantonsschule and conducts the vocal ensemble incantanti. In 2019, Klucker was a guest conductor at the Basel University of Music and is still a guest conductor with the Swiss Youth Choir. He was also awarded a special prize for best conductor at the international choir competition in Assisi in 2017.

Jamira Estrada, born 1998 in Chur, lives and works as a composer, performer of electronic music and DJ in Zurich. While currently completing her bachelor's degree in electroacoustic composition and classical music at the Zurich University of the Arts, Jamira is working on her own projects and collaborating with various artists from different disciplines such as visual arts, film and dance.

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