Alten-Kulturstiftung honors Maki Wiederkehr

Solothurn pianist Maki Wiederkehr has been awarded the 2015 Kurt and Barbara Alten Solothurn Cultural Foundation Sponsorship Prize worth 20,000 francs.

Photo: Andreas Zihler

Maki Wiederkehr deserves the prize as special recognition of her outstanding achievements on the piano, writes the foundation. It should help the young artist to further refine her highly developed playing and realize new plans.

Maki Wiederkehr studied with Hiroko Matsumoto in Nagoya (Japan), then in Switzerland with Taeko Szedlak at the Musikschule Konservatorium Bern, at the Kantonsschule Solothurn with Adalbert Roetschi and at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK).

She completed her studies in the soloist class at the ZHdK (from 2003) in winter 2008/2009 with a concert and teaching diploma under Homero Francesch. From 2010 to 2014 she taught piano at the Basel Music Academy. She now works at the Musikschule Konservatorium Zürich. She is also the pianist of the piano trio Rafale, which has won several international awards.

Every two years since 2003, the Kurt and Barbara Alten Swiss Cultural Foundation has awarded sponsorship and recognition prizes to artists with a close connection to the canton of Solothurn.

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