No funding cuts for the Aargau Board of Trustees

A proposal to cut the Aargau Board of Trustees' funding for current cultural activities in the core area of public expenditure by ten percent was narrowly rejected by the Cantonal Commission for Education, Culture and Sport.

Photo: Martin Fisch, flickr

The Grand Council Committee for Education, Culture and Sport (BKS) discussed the 2016-2019 task and finance plan and the relief measures in the BKS area in detail. In addition to the funding cuts for the board of trustees, the committee rejected the reduction in the number of independent lessons at elementary school and instead wants to cut the three lessons of early English in Year 3 at elementary school.

The Aargau Board of Trustees is the specialist body appointed by parliament and the cantonal government to decide on funding measures and awards in the field of current artistic creation in the canton of Aargau. It "promotes the diversity, quality and vitality of artistic creation, supports the creation of outstanding works and the examination of them, creates space for creative processes and the exchange between artists and the public as well as between artists".

The results of the Commission's deliberations and the proposals will now be forwarded to the Commission for Task Planning and Finance (KAPF). As the lead committee, the KAPF will examine the task and finance plan, including all relief measures, from a financial policy perspective. The KAPF is authorized to adopt amendments to the commission's proposals or further proposals for the attention of the Grand Council.

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