First Bern Cultural Forum in January 2016

At the 1st "Berner Kulturforum" on January 18, 2016, "initial fields of action for the future strategy" of the city's cultural policy will be presented and discussed - the results of the work of a newly constituted group of experts.

Bern signal box. Photo:

Following the internal revision of the fields of action, objectives and measures will be presented and negotiated at the "2nd Bern Cultural Forum" in early summer 2016. The final information event on the city-wide cultural strategy will be held in fall 2016 at the end of a further revision. This mission statement lays the foundations for the City of Bern's future cultural policy.

According to a press release issued by the city of Meiden, the following experts are members of the expert group: Monika Bandi, Rahel Bucher, Patrizia Crivelli, Dagmar Kopse, Myriam Prongué, Hans Rudolf Reust, Urs Rietmann, Christoph Ris, Fabian Schmid and Lejla Sukaj. Together, they cover topics such as cultural production (institutions and independent scene), cultural participation, inclusive culture, cultural mediation, cultural education and training, cultural heritage, creative industries, amateur culture, neighborhood culture and tourism.

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