No music school law for Zurich

The Committee for Education and Culture of the Zurich Cantonal Council proposes to the Cantonal Council by 8 votes to 7 that a planned music school law should not even be considered.

Town hall in Zurich. Photo: Roland zh

According to the Council's press release, the majority of the committee believes that the music school law is unnecessary. The existing music schools offer a comprehensive and high-quality range of services throughout the canton. The federal constitutional mandate that all children and young people should have access to musical education is fulfilled in the canton of Zurich.

The federal requirement for socially acceptable parental contributions also applies without a cantonal legal basis, the Council writes further. The Commission takes the view that cooperation between the municipalities works and that the canton's contributions to the operating costs of music schools should remain at the current level. Overall, there is therefore no need for legislative action.

The committee minority supports the new Music Schools Act because it brings added value in their view. This will give regionally and nationally run music schools a legal basis. With reference to the constitutional mandate, the committee minority believes that the organization, recognition criteria and financing of music schools should be regulated by law. Due to the legal requirements regarding organization and quality, it considers a higher financial contribution by the canton to the operating costs of music schools to be justified. The new music school law could thus make a significant contribution to the promotion of music education.

The FDP demands a fundamental rethink and calls for a voucher system in the sense of subject financing instead of the current object financing. Parents would be able to choose the music lessons they want for their child from the public and private offerings and thus create competition based on actual demand. For this reason, the FDP will request a rejection should the Cantonal Council go against the Commission's proposal.

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