Winterthur angered by the end of music school law

The decision of the Canton of Zurich's Commission for Education and Culture (KBIK) to not even enter into the debate on a new music school law is not something the Winterthur City Council can understand. It is sharply critical.

Winterthur City Council (see below). Picture: Peter Schönenberger

If the cantonal council follows the commission's proposal, it will be shirking its responsibility to establish clear framework conditions for music education throughout the canton, writes the Winterthur city councillor. It would also disregard the constitutional mandate to promote youth music in accordance with Art. 67a of the Federal Constitution.

Although it considered the requested contribution amount for the operation of music schools to be too low, the City Council supports the Music Schools Act as the legal basis. The current music school ordinance of the cantonal government does not meet these requirements.

With a Non-acceptance of the proposal According to the Winterthur City Council, the Cantonal Council is shirking its responsibility as a legislative body. Like the cantonal council, the city council is also convinced that a cantonal legal regulation for music school lessons is needed; on the one hand as a basis for future political decisions, on the other hand as a financial basis for music school offers for children from outside the city and to give music schools a certain degree of planning security.

Furthermore, the law contains the constitutional mandate to make music education accessible to all and to make uniform regulations to promote talented musicians. The City Council would therefore very much welcome it if the majority of the Cantonal Council were to support the bill, discuss the details and pass a resolution as part of the Council debate.

After more than ten years of discussion and despite unanimous agreement in the consultation process that a legal basis is needed for music education in general and for the promotion of gifted students in particular, the preliminary committee of the Zurich Cantonal Council has decided not to support the government's draft bill.

From left: Josef Lisibach, Nicolas Galladé, Yvonne Beutler, Stefan Fritschi, Michael Künzle, Barbara Günthard-Maier, Matthias Gfeller, Ansgar Simon

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