Lucerne plans house for performing arts

The realization of the new Lucerne theater and music building faces a decisive decision in 2016, writes the canton of Lucerne. A location study clearly favors one location.

Photomontage Volume New Theater Lucerne / Salle Modulable at the Inseli site

The study by Ernst Basler + Partner clearly shows that the "Inseli" is the most suitable location. This is the area of the parking lot and park by the lake directly behind the KKL Luzern. According to the study, the Theaterplatz and the gravel area near the motorboat harbor are unsuitable locations.

The Theaterplatz is too small, the motorboat harbour is too remote, less well developed and the surrounding area is not very attractive. A second, independent study by Arup, a leading international consultancy for projects in the cultural sector, comes to the same conclusion and confirms the recommendation by Ernst Basler + Partner.

An innovative house for the performing arts is to be created with a large performance space (large stage) that can be altered in a variety of ways. The intended users are: Lucerne Theater, Lucerne Festival, the independent theater and dance scene, the Lucerne Symphony Orchestra and Südpol.

The investment costs for the construction measures as part of the overall Theater Werk Luzern project amount to around CHF 208 million. The estimated costs for theater operations and maintenance for the New Theater Lucerne / Salle Modulable amount to CHF 31 million per year. Today, the Lucerne Theater effectively costs the public purse around CHF 24 million a year.

From June to September 2016, political decisions on the project will be made by the city council and the cantonal government, as well as being discussed in the city and cantonal parliaments. The vote in the city of Lucerne will take place on November 27, 2016. The political process is scheduled for the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2018, followed by a referendum on the construction loan and amendment of the city's building and zoning regulations (BZO).

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