Project planning credit for Salle Modulable

The Lucerne Government Council and the Lucerne City Council are asking their parliaments for a total contribution of CHF 9.97 million for the planning of the new theater building on the Inseli site next to the KKL.

Photomontage: New Theater Lucerne/Salle Modulable at the Inseli site.

The money will be used to clarify open questions, optimize costs and finalize the plans for the building. According to the press release, the total project costs amount to around CHF 12 million, with the Salle Modulable Foundation contributing CHF 2 million in addition to the canton and city of Lucerne.

At the same time, work is continuing on the operating concept and various sub-projects with the involvement of the cultural institutions involved. The city's voters are expected to vote on their share of the project planning loan and the Inseli location on November 27, 2016. By the end of 2018, the parliaments and by the end of June 2019, the voters of the canton and city should be able to decide on the loans for the realization of the new building.

The costs for construction measures are currently estimated at CHF 208 million (including land costs: estimated value of the building right CHF 20 million). The Salle Modulable Foundation will provide CHF 80 million to finance the building on the Inseli. This is the amount that will be available from the conditional donation (CHF 120 million from Butterfield Trust (Bermuda) Ltd.) after deduction of the legal, planning and other administrative costs incurred for the project.

A further 35 million francs in donations are to be collected by the participating cultural partners, the Salle Modulable Foundation and private third parties. The city and canton of Lucerne will thus assume 93 million francs (including building rights, estimated value: 20 million francs). Operation and maintenance are currently estimated at around CHF 31 million per year.

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