Work grants from the Canton of Schwyz

In 2016, the Cultural Commission of the Canton of Schwyz is holding a competition to award grants to artists - for the first time simultaneously for the four categories of visual arts, music, theater and dance as well as short film/video and animated film.

Mythen near Schwyz. Photo: Joujou /

As the Cultural Commission writes, the work grant is "primarily intended for the personal artistic development of artists. The application can, but does not have to be tied to a project. Above all, it requires a convincing artistic statement of intent.

Eligible to participate are artists with a convincing track record in the fields of visual arts, music, dance and theater as well as short film/video and animated film who have been resident in the Canton of Schwyz for at least three years or have a close connection to the canton (origin, focus of artistic work). Groups can participate if their work and production has been based mainly in the canton of Schwyz for at least three years.
The applications are assessed by external specialist juries. At their request, the Cultural Commission will make the final decision on the work grants. A maximum total amount of CHF 100,000 is available."

Further documents under (Cultural Promotion section); Cultural Commission Canton Schwyz, Office, P.O. Box 2202, 6431 Schwyz; kulturfoerderung.afk@sz.chTel. 041 819 20 88.

Closing date: September 9, 2016 (date of postmark)

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