Canton resists Salle Modulable

The planned Salle Modulable in Lucerne is facing opposition from cantonal politicians. The Education, Training and Culture Committee (EBKK) of the Lucerne Cantonal Council is opposed to a special project loan. It believes that the dimensions of the Salle Modulable are too large, both spatially and financially, and that the operating costs are too high.

Photo: Andrea Damm/

According to the canton's press release, the EBKK has proposed rejecting a special loan of CHF 6.979 million for the New Lucerne Theater / Salle Modulable by a large majority. By a narrow majority, it had previously spoken out against requests to postpone/suspend the consultation in the committee and in the cantonal council in order to await the municipal vote on the building rights contract for the Inseli site on November 27, 2016 and the results of two initiatives.

The EBKK considers the Salle Modulable to be too large in terms of space and funding. It doubts that it can meet the needs and possibilities of a producing theater. Moreover, the project requirements and the tight schedule have already been clearly defined by the Trust and are not open to further negotiation. This makes a comprehensive process of inclusion difficult and is unsatisfactory in terms of democratic policy.

Furthermore, the canton lacks a positive financial policy perspective for a project of this dimension. The expected additional costs are not compatible with the savings decisions that have recently been made and are still pending. The SFBC considers a significant reduction in additional operating costs to be unrealistic.

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