Lucerne cantonal council buries Salle Modulable

Very bad news for the initiators of the Salle Modulable in Lucerne. The cantonal council has rejected a planning loan after a lively discussion. The fiercely contested project should therefore definitely be off the table.

Cantonal council chamber. Photo: Canton of Lucerne

The loan was rejected by the Council by 62 votes to 51. It thus followed the proposal of the responsible committee. The committee considered the Salle Modulable to be too large in terms of space and funding. It had doubted that the planned new theater could meet the needs and possibilities of a producing theater.

Moreover, the project requirements and the tight schedule are already clearly defined by the private donors and cannot be negotiated any further. This makes a comprehensive process of inclusion difficult and is unsatisfactory in terms of democratic policy. Furthermore, the canton lacked a positive financial policy perspective for a project of this dimension. The expected additional costs are not compatible with the savings decisions that have recently been made and are still pending.

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