Cinemas are more popular than concert halls in Zurich

94 percent of Zurich residents are completely or somewhat satisfied with the cultural offerings in their city. Compared to the canton and Switzerland as a whole, the city on the Limmat comes out on top. However, cinemas are visited more often than theaters and concerts.

Toni Areal, ZHAW/ZHdK. Photo: Tom Malavoda/

According to the city's press release, almost all 15 to 24-year-olds go to the cinema at least once a year (97%). Of this age group, 30 percent go to the cinema at least four to six times a year and 15 percent go to a concert. Of those aged 65 and over, almost half (48%) go to the cinema at least once a year. Concerts are attended more frequently by this age group: 65% go to at least one concert a year.

The cultural offerings in the city of Zurich are generally highly valued. 94 percent of residents are completely or somewhat satisfied with the offerings. In comparison with the canton of Zurich (91%), Switzerland (86%) and the rural (83%) and urban (88%) areas of Switzerland, satisfaction is highest in the city of Zurich.

68 percent of Zurich residents would like to take part in cultural events more often. This desire is present in all age categories. The 15 to 24-year-olds state that the most common obstacle is that they have no or rather no time (58 percent). Money seems to be less of an obstacle: Only 33 percent cite a lack of financial resources as an obstacle. Among 65-year-olds and older residents, it is less the lack of time (20 percent) and more often the lack of financial means (36 percent) that prevents them from enjoying culture more often.

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