Alberik Zwyssig Prize announced

The Zwyssighaus Foundation in Bauen (Canton Uri) looks after the legacy of Father Alberik Zwyssig, the creator of the Swiss Psalm. It is organizing a composition competition for the third time.

Bauen/UR with the Idda Church and the Zwyssighaus (far left). Photo: Andreas Faessler/wikimedia

The competition is aimed at Swiss composers and composers who have a permanent residence permit in Switzerland. We are looking for works for choir that can be performed by a capable amateur choir. In addition, a maximum of four vocal soloists (different voice ranges) or a maximum of four instrumental soloists are possible. The submitted work should be based on a sacred text in one of the four Swiss national languages.

The prize is endowed with a total of CHF 15,000, divided among three winners. The prize-winning works will be premiered at the award ceremony in fall 2018. The closing date for entries is April 30, 2017. The jury is made up of Rainer Held (chair), Hans Zihlmann and Patrick Secchiari.

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