Lottery fund money for Tonhalle renovation

The building complex comprising the Tonhalle and Kongresshaus in Zurich is to be extensively renovated between 2017 and 2020. The cantonal government is asking the cantonal council to support the project with CHF 20 million from the lottery fund.

Photo: © Roland Fischer, Zurich/Wikimedia Commons

The land and buildings of the Kongresshaus are owned by the Kongresshaus-Stiftung. The City of Zurich is not directly involved in the operation of the Kongresshaus and Tonhalle. However, as a regular donor, it has ensured that the foundation has always been able to pay for necessary structural investments, writes the canton.

In June 2016, the voters of the city of Zurich approved a construction and debt relief loan of CHF 165 million in favor of the Kongresshaus Foundation. The planned fundamental renovation is scheduled to take place between 2017 and 2020.

The City of Zurich, the Kongresshaus Foundation and the Tonhalle Society are asking the Canton of Zurich for a contribution towards the renovation. According to its press release, the cantonal government considers the request to be justified. In its opinion, there are only a few institutions in the canton of Zurich such as the Kongresshaus and the Tonhalle that have such a far-reaching impact beyond the borders of Switzerland. It is therefore asking the Cantonal Council to support the project with CHF 20 million from the lottery fund.

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