Graubünden revises cultural funding

The Cultural Promotion Act of the Canton of Graubünden is being completely revised in accordance with the mandate of the canton's Grand Council. Among other things, according to the draft, the regions are to be obliged to provide a comprehensive range of singing and music schools.

Chur city theater. Photo: Roland Zumbühl/picswiss

The current cultural promotion of the canton of Graubünden is based on the law on the promotion of culture of September 28, 1997 and the ordinance to the law on the promotion of culture of January 12, 1998. The canton writes that the law on the promotion of culture and the ordinance based on it have proven their worth in many areas as the basis for cantonal cultural promotion to this day. For this reason, some regulations have been adopted in the new draft. According to the government's proposal, the totally revised Cultural Promotion Act should also be streamlined.

The total revision of the Cultural Promotion Act is based on a request from Grand Councillor Bruno Claus and co-signatories. In the course of the total revision of the Economic Development Act, a distinction was made between economic development and the promotion of culture. The possible focal points of cultural promotion (professional culture, amateur culture), the interfaces with economic promotion and the responsibilities and selection of the cantonal cultural promotion commission also had to be clarified.

It is now planned to explicitly include support for professional cultural activities in the objectives of the law. The draft also stipulates that the regions are obliged to provide a comprehensive range of singing and music schools.

The results of the Caduff mandate regarding an interim stop in the total revision of the Economic Development Act and the Montalta mandate regarding the development of a cantonal concept for the promotion and financing of regional museums and regional cultural centers were also taken into account in the preparation of the current draft. Many of the concerns of the 160 consultation participants were also taken on board. For example, the government should be obliged to issue a comprehensive concept for the promotion of culture in the canton of Graubünden.

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