Concert Theater Bern election on the long bench

The appointment of a new head of cultural policy in the city of Berne has been postponed after it emerged that it could lead to controversy.

Scene from 3.31.93., a performance of the Stadttheater Bern. Photo: Annette Boutellier

The municipal council (the city's executive body) has decided to appoint Benedikt Weibel's successor as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Konzert Theater Bern (KTB) next year rather than during this legislative period, thereby taking the new city government into consideration. The city writes that it wants to give the newly composed municipal council the opportunity to decide on this important personnel issue itself.

The municipal council points out that Konzert Theater Bern is by far the largest and most important cultural institution in the city of Bern, with well over half of the cultural budget going to Konzert Theater Bern. Konzert Theater Bern is also an important player in Bern's cultural and social life, its diverse independent cultural scene and the city's national reputation. The municipal council will invite the Board of Trustees of Konzert Theater Bern to a meeting in January 2017 to discuss the personnel decision.

Among others, the outgoing mayor Alexander Tschäppat was under discussion for the post, but he has withdrawn as a candidate because he believes he would not meet with widespread acceptance. Most recently, the name of Barbara Egger, Director of Construction, Transport and Energy, was put forward. 

On the set from left to right: David Berger, Hans-Jörg Frey, Sophie Melbinger, Heidi Maria Glössner, Lukas Hupfeld

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