Audio installations in Appenzell barns

Eight agricultural barns will be filled with audio installations by artists in September 2017. The project is one of the cultural projects supported by the canton in the coming year. Another is an anniversary of the Schötze-Chörli Stein.

Schötze-Chörli Stein (Picture: Schötze-Chörli)

In mid-November, the government council of Appenzell Ausserrhoden dealt with the third tranche of funding applications for contributions from the cultural fund. On the recommendation of the Cultural Council, it awarded support to four projects. These include two music projects: On the one hand, the various activities for the 50th anniversary of the Schötze-Chörli Stein AR next spring will be supported. In addition to the publication of a CD, the centerpiece of the anniversary will be twelve events at the Appenzell Folklore Museum in Stein, which will bring the history of the Schötze-Chörli to life in the form of a musical journey.

Secondly, it supports the innovative audio expo organized by the "Klang Moor Schopfe" association in the Gaiser Hochmoor. Eight agricultural barns will be used for audio installations by invited artists for ten days at the beginning of September 2017. An additional supporting program with performances and concerts will transform the Schützenhaus into a meeting place.

A third grant went to the exhibition celebrating the 25th anniversary of IG Halle in Rapperswil, in which two installations by Thomas Stricker form the centerpiece. Finally, a contribution was also granted for the publication of the 2016 cultural concept. The Government Council also took note of the decisions that the Department of Education and Culture made on its own authority in the second half of the year. A total of 64 applications were processed, of which 47 projects were granted support totaling CHF 88,900.

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