Cultural strategy of the Canton of Obwalden

The Government Council of the Canton of Obwalden has defined guiding principles for the promotion of culture, which have now been adopted by the Department of Education and Culture. They are intended to ensure the appropriate treatment of historical heritage and support for artistic creation.

Rehearsal at the festival Erstklassik am Sarnersee (Image: Video still from festival video)

The canton's important cultural institutions include the Bruder Klaus Museum, the Tal Museum Engelberg, the JUKO Pavilion Historical Museum, the Obwald Folk Culture Festival and the Erstklassik am Sarnersee. In recent years, they have been able to position and establish themselves even more strongly in the cultural environment and consolidate themselves financially and structurally. The challenge will be to secure and optimize the framework conditions so that the positive developments can continue, according to the strategy.

The cultural education offer for schools is large and attractive and generally meets with great interest. The challenge will be to design the offer in such a way that the projects have a lasting effect and at the same time remain attractive for the schools.

The strategy also sees the consolidation and optimization of regional cooperation as a further challenge. The Department's strategy for 2017 to 2021 was approved by the Executive Board of the Department of Education and Culture on March 13, 2017.

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