Andi Schnoz receives Chur Recognition Award

The city of Chur is awarding this year's Culture Prize to actor and director Peter Jecklin. A recognition prize each goes to the actress Felicitas Heyerick and the musician and guitarist Andi Schnoz.

Andi Schnoz (Image: zvg)

Andi Schnoz, born in 1971, is being honored "in recognition of his successful and varied musical activities over the past few years, both as a guitarist and as the leader of many band and music projects with young people". The prize is endowed with 4000 francs.

Schnoz grew up in Disentis, studied at the jazz school in St. Gallen and taught guitar and workshops at the music school in Chur from 2000. Since 2002 he has led the "Kanti-s-wings" at the cantonal school in Chur. In 2003 he was awarded the Cultural Promotion Prize of the Canton of Graubünden. Schnoz plays as a guitarist in many formations and performs regularly at home and abroad.

The Cultural Prize of the City of Chur is awarded in recognition of significant cultural achievements over many years. It is awarded at least every three years. Peter Jecklin is an actor and director who "has appeared successfully in cinema and television as well as on the theater stage in German-speaking countries and has achieved a high level of recognition". In 2015, he received the Swiss Film Award for Best Supporting Actor in "Der Kreis" by Stefan Haupt. The culture prize is endowed with 8000 francs.

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