No expansion of music lessons in Zug

The Board of Education of the Canton of Zug has discussed the timetables for Curriculum 21 and decided to forego the planned expansion in the area of music in favor of "individual support".

Seat of government in Zug. Photo: Schulerst/wikimedia

On the one hand, the Board of Education was guided by the previous timetables and the timetable proposal of the Swiss-German Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (D-EDK). On the other hand, it wanted to maintain specific Zug concerns - such as the greater emphasis on German, mathematics, textiles and technical design.

At primary level, the Education Council is sticking to "individual support" to the extent of one lesson per week. The Board of Education justifies this step with a view to the increasing heterogeneity in terms of performance and cultural diversity in the classes.

According to the canton's announcement, it will not be possible to expand the timetable in one subject area in years 1 and 2 by sticking to "individual support". Sticking to three lessons in "Textiles and Technical Design" in years 3 to 6 would also mean a reduction. As a result, the Board of Education decided not to expand the music department and to retain the current number of music lessons.

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