More musician positions in German professional orchestras

The number of permanent positions in the 129 German professional orchestras has risen slightly. However, half of the ensembles are having problems filling their positions in a timely manner.

Göttingen Symphony Orchestra (Image: Wikimedia/Jean11)

According to a press release from the German Music and Orchestra Association (Deutsche Musik- und Orchestervereinigung unisono), the number of reported musician positions in the 129 professional orchestras has risen slightly to 9770.65 positions. In 2022, 9749 positions were still reported. The situation of professional orchestras in Germany has largely consolidated after decades of structural adjustments. In 1992, there were still 168 orchestras. However, "the growing uncertainties surrounding the financing of public broadcasting" were a cause for concern. These concern the future of all radio orchestras, including the seven radio choirs and four big bands.

36% report a deterioration in the staffing situation over the past ten years. The effort involved is also increasing, as only just under 21% of orchestras manage to fill vacancies in one application process. 36% need 12 months or longer to fill a vacancy.

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