"unvermittelt" - projects wanted
In 2022, the Bern Music Festival will take place from September 7 to 11. The theme is "unmediated". Projects can be submitted until March 14, 2021.
For the 2022 festival, project outlines on the theme of "unmediated" are required. Programme submissions from ensembles, musicians, event organizers and institutions will be jointly refined or integrated into the festival as a collaboration if they seem suitable to the Board of Trustees.
The festival management has set the following conditions:
1. project outline: Project idea, project form and implementation of the festival theme. The different levels of meaning of the theme may be taken into account.
2. reference to Bern: The call is aimed at Bernese musicians, organizers and institutions, or musicians who are developing a project together with Bernese musicians, organizers or institutions.
3. short description of the ensembles, organizers and artists including links to current recordings.
4. other components are desired and can be part of the project:
- planned collaborations with Bernese ensembles or event organizers
- planned collaborations with international ensembles, composers or event organizers
- scenic or interdisciplinary approach
- unconventional spaces
- unusual timelines
- Mediation aspects
5. cost and financing plan, including details of the share of financing from other funding bodies, foundations and personal contributions as well as the desired financial contribution from the Bern Music Festival (only subsidiary financing possible).
The project outline (PDF, max. 6 pages) can be submitted exclusively digitally by March 14, 2021 at the latest via: info@musikfestivalbern.ch
Further details can be found on the website of the Bern Music Festival:
Link to the invitation to tender