Youth Accordion Orchestra - Ignite your passion

Are you ready to unleash your talent on the quirky sounds of the accordion? Here with us, it's not just about notes and rhythms, but a fun and unique journey through the world of music.

The promotion of musical talent is of crucial importance for the development and realization of individual potential. A decisive factor for the success of this is the qualified management team.

This not only brings with it a sound education in the field of music education, but also a passion for accordion playing and the individual support of each participant. 

The experience of taking part not only boosts young people's self-confidence, but also encourages a competitive spirit and the further development of musical skills.

Why you should be there: 

Experience the power of music: learn from an inspiring conductor and develop your full musical potential. 

Discover different styles: the accordion offers endless possibilities for musical development. 

Become part of our community: make friends in a supportive environment and share the joy of making music with friends.

What are you waiting for?

Sign up now and start your musical adventure! Share this opportunity with friends and motivate them to join you. Be there when we conquer the stage and enchant the world with our music! Sign up now and experience the fascination of the accordion.


Contact us with an email at 

You can find detailed information at

Dear teacher, motivate your students to register. (accordion, drums or piano)

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