Glarus promotes Mathias Elmer

The 2018 grant of 25,000 francs from the Canton of Glarus goes to conductor Mathias Elmer from Ennenda. Elmer is studying orchestral conducting at the University of Memphis. He is also working towards a Doctor of Musical Arts.

Photo: University of Memphis/Web

Elmer earned his musical spurs in the canton of Glarus as a conductor and music teacher with the Harmoniemusik Glarus, the Con Brio orchestra and several choirs. He went on to study at the Lucerne University of Music, where he graduated with great success as a conductor.

Mathias Elmer's career continues to soar, the canton of Glarus explains, adding that he is at a decisive point in his career. The canton wanted to support him in these next career steps with the 2018 grant.

For cultural purposes, 36 individuals or organizations were granted contributions totalling CHF 168,000 from the canton's cultural fund by the Culture Commission or the Government Council, or were granted as deficit cover. Three applications were rejected and three were suspended. The cantonal government approved contributions and deficit contributions of 78,900 francs, including for the main concert of the Glarus Singing Society (11,100 francs).

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