St. Gallen with revised cultural promotion law

In 2018, the Office of Culture of the Canton of St.Gallen is once again offering work grants and studio residencies in Rome and now in Berlin for artists on the basis of a new law

World Time Clock on Alexanderplatz in Berlin. Photo: Schwittus/wikimedia commons

The completely revised Cultural Promotion Act, which comes into force on January 1, 2018 together with the new Cultural Heritage Act, anchors the division of tasks between municipalities and the canton in line with current practice, clarifies the cantonal priority funding by means of cantonal cultural locations (e.g. Lokremise St.Gallen, Werdenberg Castle) and defines the canton's funding instruments and principles, including cantonal contributions for the direct promotion of creative artists.

As in the past, the amount of the work grants is also flexible in the current call for proposals, can be CHF 10,000, CHF 20,000 or CHF 30,000 and is determined by the artists themselves. In total, a maximum of CHF 260,000 is available for the work grants.

The cultural apartment in Rome will now be advertised jointly with the Canton of Graubünden and the Principality of Liechtenstein every two years. In return, the Cultural Promotion of the Canton of St.Gallen can offer a cultural apartment in Berlin for three months every second year. Graubünden pays a corresponding contribution for the six-month use of the Rome apartment.

The Office of Culture is accepting applications until February 20, 2018. The final decisions on the awarding of work grants and studio residencies will follow in May 2018. Detailed information and the application form are available on the website or can be requested by telephone, as can the 2018 funding guide (Amt für Kultur, St.Leonhard-Strasse 40, 9001 St.Gallen, 058 229 43 29).

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