Bernese cabaret theater honored

The Burgergemeinde Bern is awarding the 2018 Culture Prize worth CHF 100,000 to the cabaret theater "La Cappella" in Bern's Breitenrain district. The cultural center is one of the established addresses in Bern's cultural life and is known beyond the country's borders in German-speaking countries.

Picture: zVg

20 years ago, La Cappella founder Christoph Hoigné converted the former Methodist chapel in Bern's Breitenrain district into a cultural venue. Despite some resistance in its early days, the venue has developed over time into a nationally established address on the cabaret scene. It currently stages more than 200 events per season, with a colorful mix of cabaret, chanson and cabaret.

Thanks to its richness, quality and versatility, the "La Cappella" program continues to inspire and surprise both connoisseurs and the general public, writes the Burgergemeinde. In addition to well-known artists, Hoigné also includes local, up-and-coming talent in the program. The promotion of women is very important in the program design, and children and young people are to be inspired for cabaret at an early age with appropriate offers.

Last season, more than 27,000 visitors attended events at "La Cappella". The ongoing cultural operations are managed by a team of around 20 people led by Christoph Hoigné. La Cappella" is on a sound financial footing and impresses with its all-round professionalism.

Cappella is particularly interested in bringing together different artists and their art forms: for example, magic and music, storytelling and dance, classical music and comedy.


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