Cultural participation in the canton of Valais

The "Cultural participation - participatory projects" program launched by the Canton of Valais in 2016 with the initial support of Pro Helvetia is being continued. Project dossiers can be submitted until January 15, 2019.

Photo: Tomizak/

According to the canton's press release, the program was originally set up to bring artists and the population together in a participatory manner. It is now being expanded and supplemented by a program section entitled "Cultural projects for a bilingual canton". A corresponding call for projects will be launched this fall.

The main idea behind the program launched at the beginning of 2016 was to promote artistic productions of various types and sizes at a local or regional level. These productions are created as part of a joint creative process between an existing or specially formed group of people and, depending on their needs and skills, professional artists. The projects are characterized by a participatory creative process and the interaction between professional artists and the civilian population.

At the end of 2017, a total of 17 projects were considered and supported in the canton. The program was able to be continued and expanded thanks to the acceptance. As a result, "Cultural Participation" has become an integral part of the Department of Culture, the canton continues.

An expansion of this program is planned from this autumn. The "Cultural projects for a bilingual canton" are intended to promote bilingualism and cultural exchange within the canton. The new program refers to innovative projects that bring together artists and cultural workers from both language regions of the canton. The aim is to promote joint cultural activities between German and French speakers and access to artistic and cultural activities in the other cantonal language for the people of Valais.

This new part is made possible by the support of the Federal Office of Culture as part of the program agreement "Promotion of bilingualism in the canton". In 2019 and 2020, projects will be supported in an initial pilot phase over a period of two years. "Cultural projects for a bilingual canton" is managed by the Department of Culture in collaboration with the Department of Economic Affairs and Education. Project dossiers must be submitted by January 15, 2019. Funding can amount to up to CHF 20,000 for projects within the scope of "Cultural participation" and up to CHF 10,000 for projects within the scope of "Cultural projects for a bilingual canton". A committee of experts determines which projects will be funded.

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