Thurgau music school ordinance to be revised

The Government Council of the Canton of Thurgau has approved the total revision of the Music School Ordinance and brought it into force at the beginning of 2024.

Autumn camp children's choir 2023 of the Romanshorn music school (Image: Romanshorn music school)

The total revision became necessary after the financing model and quality assurance of the music schools were reviewed. According to the law on elementary schools, the canton provides recognized youth music schools with a contribution of 50 percent of the eligible operating costs, according to its press release. The implementation of this subsidy is regulated in the Music School Ordinance (MSV). Since the current MSV came into force in April 1991, the demands on the teaching and management of music schools have changed.

The Office for Primary Education therefore set up a working group with the task of reviewing the funding model and quality assurance of music schools. The working group subsequently presented a report, which was submitted to the music schools in the canton of Thurgau and the music and education associations for consultation. The draft was revised on the basis of the feedback received.

The changes require a complete revision of the MSV. The quality requirements and framework conditions for teachers' salaries required for cantonal recognition will be the responsibility of the Office for Primary Education, which will issue guidelines. In recent years, the canton's share of eligible operating expenses was only around 48% instead of the required 50%. At the same time, the chargeable operating expenses had to be increased, as the infrastructure costs were taken into account too little. These adjustments will lead to additional costs of around CHF 0.6 million from 2024.

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