Headwind for Zurich's music school law

The Zurich cantonal government has presented a counter-proposal to a popular initiative for a music school law. The initiators are disappointed with the draft.

Photo: Andrea Damm/pixelio.de

According to its press release, the initiative committee welcomes the fact that the government council has confirmed the need for statutory regulation of music lessons. It also acknowledges the fact that the government explicitly states that music lessons should be placed on a binding legal basis.

However, the initiative committee is surprised "by the non-binding nature of the legal stipulations and the low cost sharing" proposed by the government. The substantial educational and cultural contribution of music schools is "in no way adequately co-financed" by the canton. The costs are borne solely by the municipalities and the parents.

The committee also criticizes the fact that the government apparently does not intend to make basic musical education and the promotion of gifted children mandatory, even though there are no alternatives to these two established programs.

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