Bern gas boiler remains at its current location

Following consultations with interest groups, Bern's municipal council has decided to leave the Gaskessel youth center, one of the city's major organizers of alternative music culture, at its current location.

Photo: Debianux/wikimedia commons (see below)

Bern's municipal council wants to build an urban development with a significant residential component on the Gaswerk site. The industrial wasteland is to be turned into "a vibrant district with residential areas, commercial and cultural spaces and public open spaces". The existing natural values on the site will be replaced by ecological compensation areas.

The Gaskessel is a center for young people and young artists from the city and region of Bern. In addition to the involvement of young people, it offers platforms for young cultural professionals and local artists. At the same time, international artists are also addressed.

Youth culture center "Gaskessel" in Bern. Photo: Debianux / wikimedia commons

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