Suisseculture concerned about the Federal Council's position

Suisseculture welcomes the Federal Council's rejection of the so-called halving initiative, but criticizes the fact that it wants to reduce the levies for radio and television by means of an ordinance.

(Image: SRG)

In its press release, the umbrella organization of cultural professionals in Switzerland recalls that the Swiss voted against the No Billag initiative five years ago by 71.6 percent. The Federal Council's plan to reduce the fees for radio and television by ordinance and partially release the industry from the obligation to pay contributions "does not take into account the support of the population and damages the public service mandate of SRG SSR instead of supporting it".

Instead of talking about the performance and impact of the SRG, Suisseculture continues, the initiative only talks about financing. At the media conference, Federal Councillor Rösti himself stated that it would not make sense to stipulate the amount of the radio and television levy in the Federal Constitution, as the initiative demands. This approach is at odds with the current world situation, in which information manipulated by artificial intelligence is creating even more uncertainty.

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