Valais Music Library revisits Lagger's work

The Valais musician and composer Oskar Lagger has donated his works to the Valais - Sion media library. The library is now publishing an illustrated work and organizing a public concert programme in Sion.

Oskar Lagger (Image: zvg)

Oskar Lagger was born in Münster, in the Upper Valais, in 1934, but grew up in Sion. He went to school there, but retained close ties to his place of origin. In his education, he cultivated the influence of the classes he attended in Paris (1956-1961) and Vienna (1961-1962). His professional career is characterized by his loyalty to both French-speaking and German-speaking culture.

As a music teacher at the German-speaking section of the Teachers' College, as Kapellmeister of Sion Cathedral and as a conductor, teacher and director of the conservatory, he left his mark on generations of students.

Since 2003, the Valais Music Library has been building up a music collection with the support of the Loterie Romande. It currently comprises over 18,000 sound recordings, 23,500 scores, 4,500 works and audiovisual media. After Pierre Mariétan (2005), Jean-Luc Darbellay (2010), Jean Daetwyler (2013) and Marie-Christine Raboud-Theurillat (2016), the Oskar Lagger collection, created in 2018, is the fifth of its kind to be donated to the Valais Music Library by a contemporary composer. The four other collections were also the subject of a publication by the Valais Media Library.

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