Winterthur to become a city of culture

Laura Bösiger, Co-Managing Director of the Winterthur Music Festival, will take over the newly created position of Head of Cultural Marketing in the city administration on October 1, 2019.

Laura Bösiger (Image: Jonas Reolon)

The main task of the position is to implement the city council's strategic mandate to position Winterthur as a city of culture. According to the press release, "the first step will be to compile an overview of the marketing activities of Winterthur's cultural players in order to subsequently determine the priority measures in the area of overarching cultural marketing". At the same time, a digital museum pass for Winterthur's museums will be launched as an initial measure to replace the existing analog museum pass.

32-year-old Laura Bösiger has lived in Winterthur for 13 years. She studied journalism and organizational communication and has extensive project experience in the cultural, communication, catering, event and marketing sectors. Laura Bösiger has been Co-Managing Director of the Winterthur Music Festival for three years and will remain so until after this year's festival.

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