Basel-Landschaft honors Mischa Cheung

The canton of Basel-Landschaft honors the pianist Mischa Cheung with a 20,000 Swiss franc culture prize, the artist Kitty Schaertlin is also honored with a category prize and the FahrAwaY circus spectacle with the Nouveau Cirque sponsorship prize. An anniversary prize goes to the choir directors of the Liestal and Muttenz grammar schools.

Mischa Cheung. Photo: Mona Neubauer

Mischa Cheung studied piano with Konstantin Scherbakov at the Zurich University of the Arts. He is a member of the Gershwin Piano Quartet, which performs works for four concert grand pianos, and was pianist with the classical band Spark from 2011 to 2015. Since 2014 he has performed as a soloist at the Symphonic Game Music Concerts of Merregnon Studios. Since 2009, he has been an assistant to Konstantin Scherbakov's master class and a lecturer in piano and improvisation at the Zurich University of the Arts.

According to the canton, the choir directors Lucia Germann and Michael Zumbrunn (Gymnasium Liestal) and Christoph Huldi, Jürg Siegrist and Christine Boog (Gymnasium Muttenz) have been responsible for "high-quality and successful choir projects for decades with great personal commitment". The last highlight for the time being was the oratorio concert "Elijah" by Mendelssohn with the choirs from Muttenz and Liestal and the Basel Symphony Orchestra at the Musical Theater Basel in October 2018. The 50th anniversary prize for the Baselland Culture Awards 1969-2019 is endowed with CHF 25,000. The prize money is earmarked for further projects with secondary school choirs from the canton.




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