Luginbühl becomes Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Bühnen Bern

Werner Luginbühl succeeds Nadine Borter as President of the Board of Trustees of Bühnen Bern. Above all, he must oversee the complete conversion of operations to a stagione model.

Werner Luginbühl (Image: zVg)

Luginbühl's predecessor Nadine Borter will continue to chair the board until the end of 2023. As President of the Board of Trustees, she has done important stabilization work, writes the city. Under her presidency, "talks with the trade unions were steered in a constructive direction, a code of conduct was drawn up, new appointments were made to the artistic directorate and all division heads, the coronavirus pandemic was dealt with and the institution was well positioned under the new name Bühnen Bern".

Following the allegations of abuse in the dance company, Nadine Borter ensured a comprehensive investigation, internal training and the development of prevention strategies. The Foundation Board responded to the reduced performance contract with less public funding by switching to stagione operation, thus ensuring that the three stage sections and the Bern Symphony Orchestra were maintained.

Werner Luginbühl headed the Canton of Bern's Department of Justice, Communes and Churches as a member of the cantonal government from 1998 to 2008. From 2007 to 2019, he represented the Canton of Berne in the Council of States and at the same time worked for Swiss Mobiliar as Head of Public Affairs. He has been Chairman of the Swiss Federal Electricity Commission (ElCom) since March 1, 2020. In recent years, Werner Luginbühl has chaired cultural institutions in various areas.

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