St. Gallen recognition and sponsorship awards

This year, the City of St.Gallen is honoring five artists with a recognition award and four sponsorship awards. Norbert Möslang receives the recognition prize. Tobias Bauer, Dominik Kesseli, the Kulturkosmonauten and Fabienne Lussmann are being supported.

Norbert Möslang (Photo: Georg Gatsas)

Norbert Möslang is a visual artist, composer, musician and violin maker. He has become internationally known both for his award-winning music for Peter Liechti's films and for his artistic work with "cracked" everyday electronics. He processes hidden levels of electronic systems or devices into sound, develops performances or creates multimedia installations.

Dominik Kesseli has been very active in the St.Gallen music scene for years. His work is characterized by its range from classical to punk as well as his elaborately staged performances.

Tobias Bauer holds a doctorate in economics from the HSG and has been working as a writer since going temporarily blind almost ten years ago. The Kulturkosmonauten project is a mobile, flexible format of participatory artistic workshops for young people. Fabienne Lussmann belongs to the young generation of artists in the city of St.Gallen.

The recognition prize is endowed with CHF 20,000 and is awarded to people who have made a special contribution to the city through their cultural activities. The four sponsorship prizes are endowed with CHF 10,000 each.

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