Bern Cultural Forum

The 3rd Bern Cultural Forum will take place on Monday, August 26, 2019. It marks the start of the participatory process for developing the 2021-2024 objectives and measures of the city's cultural strategy.

Photo: Mike Petrucci / unsplash (see below)

The 2017-2028 cultural strategy is the result of close collaboration between cultural stakeholders, politicians and the administration, writes the City of Bern. It was developed in a participatory process and, in addition to the concerns of the professional cultural sector, the demands of children and youth culture, cultural mediation, integrative and inclusive culture, the creative industries, neighbourhood organizations, cultural tourism and amateur culture were also taken into account.

In order to implement the strategy, objectives and measures will be developed for four years at a time. The 3rd Bern Cultural Forum marks the start of the participatory development of objectives and measures for the years 2021-2024.

After the forum, interested parties will have the opportunity to submit their concerns and suggestions at "cultural strategy afternoons" on September 16 and October 16 or directly to the administrative offices.

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