City and canton of Lucerne cooperate

Marcel Schwerzmann, the canton's Director of Culture, and Lucerne's Mayor Beat Züsli reaffirm the cooperation for the public financing of major cultural institutions of supra-regional importance.

Marcel Schwerzmann and Beat Züsli (Photo: Franca Pedrazzetti/City of Lucerne).

At the same time, the city and canton have regulated the responsibility and financing of upcoming cultural investment projects within the framework of the special-purpose association. In future, investment contributions to institutions will continue to be negotiated on a case-by-case basis. In concrete terms, this means that for the upcoming major cultural projects at the theater and the Museum of Transport, the city will take the lead for the Lucerne Theater and the canton for the Museum of Transport.

The canton will invest around CHF 25 million in the Museum of Transport investment project, while the city will spend an as yet unspecified amount in the high double-digit millions on the Lucerne Theater. The reorganization of the operating contributions will result in an overall financial burden of around 50 percent for the city and around 50 percent for the canton. The new cost-sharing system will be introduced in three stages from 2023.

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