Change of management at Unit Records

The Swiss label Unit Records comes into new hands: bassists Andreas Waelti and Luca Sisera succeed Harald Haerter.

Andreas Waelti and Luca Sisera (Image: Andi Schnoz)

Founded in 1983 by Swiss jazz musicians Jürg Solothurnmann, Hans Kennel, Paul Haag and Urs Blöchlinger as a "platform for innovative musicians from the Swiss-German scene", the label was taken over in 1991 by Pius Knüsel, who later became director of the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia. From 1996 to 2005, the renowned drummer Lucas Niggli managed Unit Records until guitarist Harald Haerter took over the reins in 2005.

After almost two decades, Harald Haerter is now handing over the reins to bassists Andreas Waelti and Luca Sisera. In recent years, both musicians have made a name for themselves as sidemen and bandleaders with a remarkably busy international concert schedule. Their artistic work has been documented in detail by numerous releases on various labels and they are well connected in the European scene.

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