Thurgau organizers network

The Thurgau cantonal government has approved a contribution of CHF 60,000 from the lottery fund for the years 2019 to 2022 for the implementation of the "Strengthening and networking event organizers in the canton" priority.

Photo: RhondaK Native Florida Folk Artist / Unsplash (see below)

Thurgau's cultural scene is characterized by small and medium-sized, mostly volunteer-run associations. Only a few event organizers have thoroughly professional structures with key positions filled by experts. The associations rely on committed volunteers who carry out their activities in their free time or on a minimally paid, small workload.

In accordance with the cultural concept of the Canton of Thurgau, the cantonal government has therefore allocated a lottery fund contribution of CHF 60,000 for the priority area "Strengthening and networking event organizers in the canton". In addition to the existing cultural promotion, regular network meetings for cultural event organizers will be organized from 2020.

This offer serves both the exchange of knowledge and networking as well as further training for cultural event organizers. With regular network meetings, a hitherto unavailable forum for the exchange and transfer of knowledge is being created. The meetings take place twice a year at different locations in Thurgau on various topics and are open to all interested parties.

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