Delacoste's holdings in the Valais Music Library

The Valais composer François-Xavier Delacoste deposited his works at the Valais-Sion Media Library in 2018. To draw attention to this important collection, the Valais Media Library is publishing an illustrated publication.

François-Xavier Delacoste (Image: Médiathèque Valais, Jean-Philippe Dubuis)

Born in Monthey in 1950, François-Xavier Delacoste studied at the Lausanne Conservatory and later in Geneva. He specialized in orchestration, orchestral conducting and composition. He taught harmony, counterpoint and analysis at the Geneva Conservatory. From 1989 to 2005 he was director of the Neuchâtel Conservatory. He was also the artistic director of the international festival for choral music in Neuchâtel. From 2005 to 2015, he was director of the cantonal conservatory in Sion.

With the support of the Valais delegation of Loterie Romande, the Media library Valais the Valais Music Library since 2003. To date, it preserves over 17,000 recordings, 24,000 scores and 1,200 works and audiovisual media. Launched in 2018, the François-Xavier Delacoste collection is the sixth to be deposited at the Valais Media Library, following Pierre Mariétan in 2005, Jean-Luc Darbellay in 2009, Jean Daetwyler in 2013, Marie-Christine Raboud-Theurillat in 2016 and Oskar Lagger in 2018.

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