Berger President of the Aargau Board of Trustees

Following the resignation of the previous president Rolf Keller, the Aargau cantonal council has publicly advertised the presidency of the Aargau Board of Trustees. Daniela Berger from Baden has now been elected.

Daniela Berger. Photo: zVg

Daniela Berger was a member of Baden City Council from 2002 to 2015, where she headed the Culture / Children Youth Family department. Among other things, this period saw the establishment of new professional cultural funding in the city of Baden and the launch of the renovation and extension of the Kurtheater Baden. Daniela Berger is a founding and managing director of Badener Tanzcentrum AG, where she also works as a dance teacher.

The Aargau Board of Trustees promotes in particular professional contemporary art in or with a close connection to the canton. As an expert committee, the eleven-member board makes final decisions on funding contributions within the scope of the approved funds. The individual funding areas - including art in all disciplines, intangible cultural heritage, specific further training for artists, awards - must be adequately represented by the eleven members of the Board of Trustees.

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