Basel cultural partnership secured

The new cultural treaty between the two cantons of Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft will come into force in 2022. No referendum was held against the cultural treaty in either canton.

Photo: Charles Deluvio / Unsplash

From 2022, the canton of Basel-Landschaft will contribute at least CHF 9.6 million per year to the cultural center services of Basel-Stadt. According to the official press release, a review clause was added to the agreement following the consultation process. The two cantons will review the compensation every four years, for the first time in 2028. The cultural agreement has met with a positive response in the parliaments of both cantons: In January 2020, the cantonal parliament and a strong majority of the Grand Council unanimously approved the new cultural treaty. A referendum was not subsequently held in either canton. The governments of both cantons will now sign the agreement.

The new cultural partnership will ensure the continued existence of all the institutions concerned. The cultural agreement promotes the unbundling of responsibilities and at the same time strengthens the joint project-oriented funding of the two cantons. The distribution of funds to the institutions is carried out by the Canton of Basel-Stadt on the basis of criteria that are laid down in the contract. The governments of Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft are convinced that the newly defined parameters form the basis for a future-oriented and sustainable cultural partnership.

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