Support measures of the canton of Valais

Non-profit cultural enterprises in Valais can obtain emergency aid from the Cantonal Department of Culture to ensure their liquidity. These are interest-free loans that can be repaid over a period of up to five years.

The Fondation Giannadda in Martigny is also temporarily closed. Photo: Wikicommons

Independent cultural practitioners and cultural enterprises active in the performing arts, music, film, literature, visual arts, design and museums can now submit applications for support measures to the Department of Culture. All instructions for submitting an application can be found on the website Additional information can be obtained by e-mail via be obtained.

The canton's press release also draws attention to the fact that self-employed cultural professionals can apply to the Suisseculture Sociale association for emergency aid to cover their immediate living costs. In addition, amateur associations in the fields of music and theater can be supported with a financial contribution for the financial loss associated with the cancellation or postponement of their events. To do so, they must contact the respective national umbrella organization.

Picture credits

By Sylenius - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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