Basel region supports cultural enterprises

The cantonal government of Basel-Landschaft has passed resolutions to implement the Federal Council's COVID-19 Ordinance on Culture. With immediate effect, creative artists and cultural enterprises can apply to the canton for loss compensation and loans.

Culture house in Liestal. Photo: I, Parpan05 - proof see below

The Federal Council is providing funding of CHF 280 million for measures in the cultural sector. According to the federal distribution formula, the canton of Basel-Landschaft will be allocated CHF 4.051 million. This is on condition that the canton provides the same amount of funding. A total of CHF 8.102 million is therefore available in the Basel region.

Non-profit cultural enterprises and profit-oriented cultural enterprises without a business identification number (UID) as well as cultural professionals can apply for compensation for loss of up to 80% of the financial loss associated with the cancellation or postponement of events and projects or with the closure of businesses caused by government measures to combat the coronavirus. The measures are implemented and applications processed in close coordination with the Canton of Basel-Stadt. This applies in particular to applications that are related to the BS/BL bicantonal expert committees.

For non-profit cultural enterprises, the Federal Council also provides for repayable interest-free loans to ensure liquidity if this is at risk as a result of government measures to combat the coronavirus. The loans amount to a maximum of 30% of the cultural enterprise's income, less subsidies from the public sector. They can be applied for by submitting an application to after a prior consultation.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the 2020 Canton of Basel-Landschaft Cultural Awards ceremony has been postponed. The cultural award ceremony will be held in a different form at a later date. will provide information in due course. The 2021 cultural awards ceremony will take place in Oltingen, as planned for this year.

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Picture credits

By I, Parpan05, CC BY 2.5,

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