Cultural Agenda 2030 of the City of Lucerne

The city of Lucerne invests in the promotion of culture and sport and has developed the strategies for the respective areas in broad-based participatory processes.

The Neubad Lucerne also receives subsidies from Lucerne (Image: Lantina/Wikimedia)

A "Cultural Agenda 2030" forms the basis for the city's cultural funding in the coming years. According to the press release, it is based on the four focal points "Cultural diversity", "Cultural participation", "Cultural space" and "Communication, network, cooperation". In connection with the 2030 cultural agenda and the 2030 sports concept, the city council is applying to parliament to extend the subsidy agreements for the years 2024 to 2026. The cultural institutions Südpol, Neubad and Kleintheater are to receive around CHF 6.75 million over the three years:

  • Verein Südpol Luzern: Fr. 4,053,682 (loan and subsidy agreement)
  • Verein Netzwerk Neubad: Fr. 1'468'728.- (user loan and subsidy agreement)
  • Stiftung Kleintheater: CHF 1,230,000 (subsidy agreement)

The subsidy agreement with Konzerthaus Schüür was concluded earlier for the period 2022 to 2026 due to the conversion and renovation project. From 2027, all agreements with subsidy recipients in culture and sport are to be congruent again. This type of support for Lucerne's cultural institutions has been in place since 2001, and in the sports sector since 2003. These contractual arrangements over several years give the institutions the opportunity to plan and work for the longer term.

The City Council is supporting other cultural events and associations with around CHF 3.8 million between 2024 and 2026. In doing so, it is recognizing the high social significance. Contributions received: Verein Kunsthalle Luzern, Verein Fumetto, Stiftung Gletschergarten Luzern, Stiftung World Band Festival, Verein Lucerne Blues Festival and IG Kultur. For the first time, the city has drawn up subsidy agreements with the two umbrella organizations of the city's cultural organizations and sports clubs.

The revenue from the ticket tax remains an important source of funding for the promotion of culture and sport, writes the city. The B+A ticket tax is planned for spring 2024. The Education Directorate is thus presenting various possible solutions as to how the ticket tax can be relieved in the future in order to obtain more room for maneuver in the promotion of culture and sport and to drive forward the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Culture and the 2030 Sport Concept.

The entire press release from the city:

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