Support for Basel orchestra

The cantonal government of Basel-Stadt has appointed the expert jury for the program funding of the Basel orchestras. The Department of Culture invites tenders for program funding for the period up to mid-2023.

Symbolic image. Photo: Kael Bloom / (link to image below)

Introduced in 2016, the orchestra program funding is aimed at professional Basel orchestras and larger instrumental ensembles of early and contemporary music. An expert jury assesses the submitted concert programs over three seasons according to transparent criteria.

The expert jury consists of Valerio Benz, music editor and music producer at SRF2 Kultur, Basel, Roman Brotbeck, publicist and consultant for music, cultural policy and research development, Basel, Lydia Rilling, chief dramaturge at the Philharmonie Luxembourg, Alexander Steinbeis, orchestra director at the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin and Lena-Lisa Wüstendörfer, music director of the Swiss Orchestra and musicologist, Zurich.

The tendering process for the next funding period has also begun: Around CHF 4.7 million will be available for orchestra program funding in 2021, 2022 and the first half of 2023 as a result of the decision by the Grand Council on 11 March 2020. Professional orchestras and ensembles that have established a regular concert series in the canton of Basel-Stadt can apply for funding.

Detailed information on the admission requirements and the documents to be submitted can be found at:

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