Basel stands by the Academy of Music

At the beginning of January 2021, the contract between the Basel Music Academy and the Canton of Basel-Stadt will be renewed for a further four years. The state contribution will be increased by CHF 2.3 million.

Open Day 2019 at the Basel Music Academy. Photo: Eleni Kougionis

The state contribution of CHF 54.5 million for the years 2021 to 2024 is intended to ensure that the academy can continue and expand its services over the next four years. According to the Canton of Basel-Stadt, it is particularly important to respond to the rising number of children and pupils in the canton and the associated increase in demand for basic musical education.

The Musik-Akademie Basel operates the music school of the Musik-Akademie Basel as a foundation under private law. The School of Music, which is also located on the Musik-Akademie campus and includes the Classical Music, Jazz and Schola Cantorum Basiliensis institutes, is fully part of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) and is financed via the global contribution to the FHNW.

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