St. Gallen Culture Prize goes to Max Aeberli

This year's Culture Prize of the Canton of St. Gallen goes to the Rapperswil musician, choirmaster and conductor Max Aeberli. The prize from the cultural foundation is endowed with 20,000 francs.

Max Aeberli (Image: Team Choir website)

Max Aeberli founded and conducts various choirs and large-scale orchestral projects, according to the canton's press release, with an innovative approach to early, dramatic, sacred, lyrical, contemporary and experimental music, often at special performance venues and in a harmonious atmosphere. He often sought out unknown works, with which he ensured Swiss premieres or world premieres.

Max Aeberli completed his professional studies at the Lucerne University of Music. He specialized in music education with Josef Röösli, choral conducting with Hans Zihlmann and Alois Koch, and piano with Rene Gerber. His circle of activities includes the Cantate choir, the Sängerbund, church choirs, children's choirs, the cantacanti choir and Dilettanti.

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